Our People

Brad Belcher Founder/Executive Director

Brad retired from Boeing in March 2017. Shortly before he retired he started a non-profit corporation called Bicycle Rescue for Youth. They are an organization that is dedicated to helping to stop childhood obesity in low-income households. They do this by providing used refurbished bicycles as a means of fun exercise that instills a sense of healthy living. This along with Nutritional/health information will aid in reducing the childhood obesity crisis. Their operating area, for now, consists of the greater maple valley area and including out to Issaquah with a plan to expand.

In his spare time, he enjoys racing sports cars, fishing, cooking and spending time with his family.

  • Grew up in a low-income family so have first-hand experience with poverty
  • Started working at the age of eight to help pay for school clothes and maintained employment until retirement in 2017
  • Marketing Director for the NW region of Sports Car Club of America
  • Race Team Captain with several championships between two drivers over a 15-year span
  • Ran a successful automotive/race car business
  • Retired from Boeing after 36 years with various leadership roles


Paul Russell – Head Technician


Toni Culberson Accountant

Toni is Brad’s daughter. She has a BA in business accounting, graduating from DeVry University on a compressed schedule, finishing in just three years. Toni has two boys.  Adrian is seven and Evan is three. Both boys are very active and keep Toni busy. She is now reading up on non-profit tax law to assure we are complying with all federal tax laws.